Pop Song, 2007

- Poetry
- Bada-Bing
- Lone Cello
- Siren
- Pop Song
- Revelation
- Ode to…
- Siren (U-bait Remix)
Songs to Lynch, 2003

- Lost (in a Movie)
- Button for Porno
- Village Secret
- Thin
- Mary Came
- Silky Pearl
- Attavismaboogie
- Roads (Unfettered Trances)
- Vision of You
- Jammin’
- Saturday Driver
Primal Lick, 2000

- Raw & Vital
- Beauty
- Rome
- Hyperhead
- Heat to Sink
- Anaconda
- Subterranean
- Jewels Venus
- Remember
- Primal Lick
- Standing Ahead
- Cuidado Amor
- Eurojeloud (Pan-ic Remix)
Into the Bloodbath, Into the Dream…, 1998

- Smokin’ a Vagina in China
- Where is Your Ocean?
- Bou Jeloud
- Deep Things
- Glorious Interiors
- Without Moon
- On Colfax
- Ultra Pink
- Kiss in the Storm
- Making Headway