Mystic Antenna Chick
Possesses the gift of broadened receptors highly sensitive to underground currents. She is able to
channel the song of muses, the agony of souls through aquatic nether world vibrations. Greater and
lesser powers seek her divine gift for a number of reasons - some spiritual, some for greater power,
all seek a life prolonging source of water.

Stif Spring
A star-tongued troubadour found guilty (by Last World Law) for seeking out the forbidden verse of
the Shadow Force, re-writing and performing such verse as his own in Andraga-shama Spectacle (a type
of schizophrenic ritual performance long ago outlawed as it drives its witnesses insane). For his
punishment he is doomed to roam with a dog bark in search of his voice. In the Uterus he seizes it.

Last living member of a subterranean survival fleet and Nebulon Transmission Seer. Witnesses The
Last Sunrise thus inverting his vision, providing him a glimpse of the SFU (where Mystic Antenna
Chick and Stif Spring also appear for one exhilarating instant); he receives instruction from
Nebulon on the way to stimulate further transmission to the negative zone frontiers where Sci-Fi
Uterus musically ignites in the last rites of space.